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Down to Earth

Pyramiden is rich. With its natural and man built features, its history and potential futures, its challenges and opportunities, Pyramiden is rich. Our conceptual approach stems from our interest to attract tourists and researchers to Pyramiden while maintaining it as a ghost city, at least from above the ground level. As the climate plays a positive role on preserving the physical condition of the buildings to approximately a hundred years to come, our experimental intervention didn’t include majorly visible addition or subtraction as we also want the different types of visitors and residents of the town to experience the town as it has been since 1998, a ghost town. 


While offering a collection of research labs, an observatory, an open air auditorium, different services, accommodation and a walk-through museum as well as more security and geothermal heating, all functions are built underneath the existing town. The town’s main reason of prospering was the coal mines and the users of our proposed intervention will be indulged in an underground coalmine’s atmosphere. Down to earth.

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